Schlagwort-Archive: SL

Happy Mood in Winter

My last Photo-Tour in SL yesterday night, brought me to „Happy Mood“, a great place to explore and go shopping for some funny stuff. You can make a tour on some little leaf-boats floating around and through a big shining tree… most of the stuff you can see during your tour is available to buy at the „Happy Mood Shop“… search for the Teleport ;) if you got curious now here the link to Happy Mood… check it out =)

[flickrset id=“72157628728797885″ thumbnail=“small“ photos=““ overlay=“true“ size=“large“]



[The NEW Me]

I had the idea to work on my shape and try some new shapes… here the results ;) *giggles* I think, never change a winning team… that’s why I’m back to my old shape… but it was fun to make some pictures…

[flickrset id=“72157628702816351″ thumbnail=“thumbnail“ photos=““ overlay=“true“ size=“large“]



[grey mood]

[grey mood] was my mood somedays ago, so I started to make some pictures in SL to cheer me up… but the topic was set… my grey mood became some nice new picture from my beautiful SL life… take a look and enjoy ;)

[flickrset id=“72157628637091317″ thumbnail=“small“ photos=““ overlay=“true“ size=“large“]




The SL Group „Germany in 3D“ presents:


The Berlin wall is known all over the world and not only a part of the German history, it’s worldwide history. The western part of the wall was full of graffitys, while the eastern part was a deadly zone for everyone.
Do you know the „Eastside Gallery“ in Berlin? There you can see today parts of the Berlin wall, with great graffitys.

Our idea:

SL artists texture their own part of the Berlin Wall. These parts we will exhibit on all sims of Germany in 3D for 4 weeks. Mother of this idea is the CowParade (

Germany in 3D encourages every artist in sl to design a part of the wall! Each interested artist gets a part of the wall from G3D full perm in the original size 2×4 meters. Design or texture the piece as you like it. You also can design 2 or 3 parts side by side as one object and link it.

The designed pieces will be exhibited on the G3D-Sims first for 4 weeks and later on we think about a gallery on G3D where the pieces are exhibited permanently.


From now on you can get a part of the wall full perm.

Please give your designed part back and name it with Berlin wall <avatar name> until the 19th of december 2011. (If you miss this date we unfortunately cannot exhibit your piece)
Please give your piece to Maike Hoorenbeek AND Gromit Mayo. Take care that your piece is COPY TRANS.

This is not a contest, it is an art exhibition.

We are looking forward to your pieces!

your Germany in 3D – Team

You may not change the size of the wall part!
You agree that your piece will be exhibited on the G3D-Sims gratuitously with your name (sl or rl-name is your choice).
G3D has the rights to document the whole action and to advetrise and to make pictures or machnimas where your piece can be seen.

Machinima – Movies in 3D Welten

Machinima: Dieses Kunstwort setzt sich aus „machine“, „cinema“ und „animation“ zusammensteht und steht als Bergriff laut wiki für das produzieren von Filmen in Game-Engines. Also innerhalb von Computer Programmen (Computerspiele wäre hier zu einfach gedacht). Gerade die Umgebung SecondLife ist hier ein guter Drehort.

Wer das Kunstwort Machinima bei YouTube in die Suchmaske tackert wird schnell eine ganze Masse dieser Filme finden. Einige davon -so wie Vieles auf YouTube- ist natürlich Trash. Einiges kann man aber getrost als beeindruckend bezeichnet werden. Filme die mit einem kleinen Budget grosse Bilder zeigen.

Einen solchen Film wollen wir hier vorstellen. (Danke an Chu Ann fürs posten auf Facebook. Denn dadurch haben wir diesen Film gefunden)

und so sieht das dann aus:

Japan als begehbare 3D Karte

Ein Professor aus Tokio (In Yan ) hat in der virtuellen Welt Second Life eine 3D Karte von Japan erstellt. Dort sollen nun Informationen zum großen Erdbeben, zum Tsunami und zu den Auswirkungen der kaputten AKWs eingearbeitet werden.

So wird die Katastrophe weltweit begehbar gemacht. Die Ausmasse können besser überblickt werden. Mehr Details gibt es auf SLinside und Betterverse.